April 2nd- Wear Blue Sunday
April 25th- Blue Sunday, A Day Of Prayer for Abused Children
With the support from our sponsors, the Northeast Arkansas Children's Advocacy Center is hosting a virtual fundraiser July 14-17th to raise funds for child abuse victims in our area.
Child abuse doesn’t stop during a pandemic. Even during the COVID-19 crisis, our center remains open and continues to serve children. As hard as it is to hear, child abuse is more prevalent than you think... and is also a trial we must overcome.
Many children know their home as a safe place, but for some it’s a dangerous place of abuse and neglect. School was cancelled due to the pandemic and school personnel make up the majority of reports called into the child abuse hotline. Therefore, reports have declined... but child abuse is still happening. The NEACAC is expecting a major increase in child abuse reports when schools resume this year. We are preparing the best we can, but we need your help. We believe that with your help, we can lessen the impact of coronavirus on our mission of providing services to child abuse victims. Thank you for your support during this challenging time for our organization and community as a whole.
View our story on Region8 News for more info on child abuse and Covid19 in Northeast Arkansas.
When a child receives the services they need to heal, they grow into healthy functioning adults that will one day take our place as community members and leaders. The future of Northeast Arkansas is in our hands. Here are some things to remember when donating...
Although we won’t be gathering in person this year, the NEACAC will be hosting a virtual “Day Of Giving” on July 17, 2020 with a goal of $19,000. This will provide an opportunity for our supporters to raise funds through one-time or monthly donations and bidding on auction items. Our online auction will begin July 14th and close on July 17, 2020.
Each dollar donated and each auction item sold will benefit the NEACAC and our efforts to lessen the impact that COVID-19 has had on child abuse in our community. July 17th marks our 2020 Day of Giving. On this day, we are accepting monetary donations. Donors will have the option to donate once or arrange a monthly donation.
Our online auction items were kindly donated by some of your favorite local businesses of Northeast Arkansas. The businesses that donated these items, along with those of you that purchase them are considered a hero to many children that visit our center daily. You are bettering a young life, strengthening a family, and creating a brighter and healthier future for our community.
As a children’s advocacy center, we know firsthand the sexual abuse happens in Northeast Arkansas more than any of us would like. Thankfully, we know that abuse is preventable. That’s why the NEACAC offers the Empower Me! Curriculum FREE to elementary schools, after school programs, child care facilities, and any other youth-serving organizations!
Empower Me! teaches children to identify their safety net of trusted adults and encourages them to reach out to one of those adults if anyone is trying to break their safety rules. It’s intent is to encourage communication between the children and adults in their life about this important topic, just as we do with any other danger.
Our children should walk around smart, not scared. This upbeat, positive, and active curriculum will teach children what action steps to take when someone is asking them to break a safety rule. With this knowledge, children will know what to do and feel empowered to do it.
As an organization that trains parents, professionals, and community members, we know talking about personal safety can be done in a positive and empowering way. This program is designed to help facilitate those important conversations to keep kids safe.
To learn more about this program or any of our FREE trainings, contact Dana Housley, Director of Development and Community Education.
The Northeast Arkansas Children's Advocacy Center's team knows first hand that ending child sexual abuse takes a cooperative, community effort. To end child sexual abuse we must first address the issue head on, be open to have conversations with each other and our children, educate ourselves on the facts, and learn how to prevent abuse from happening.
Our center is proud to have two team members professionally trained to facilitate Darkness to Light’s Stewards of Children sexual abuse prevention training program. Stewards of Children is a program that addresses child sexual abuse in the context of today’s issues and teaches you a simple, 5-step approach that can protect the children you love.
To schedule a training for your group, email Dana Housley, Director of Development & Community Education, at dana@neacac.net.
The Children’s Advocacy Center provides training for professionals in the community on how to recognize and respond appropriately to allegations of all forms of child maltreatment. Through lecture and discussion, we cover:
This training is intended for professionals and community members.
This training can be completed in 60 minutes or up to 90 minutes and can by customized to meet the needs of the participants.
This training is available by request at your facility or can be held in a community room elsewhere if available, based on number of participants.
For more information or to schedule a training session, please contact Dana Housley at (870) 275-7902 or at dana@neacac.net.